While sometimes overlooked, dental cleanings are an important part of complete oral hygiene. Getting your teeth examined and cleaned takes steps to prevent significant health problems, such as gum disease and oral cancer, and even stroke or heart disease.
Oral health problems are largely preventable, however they still affect many patients. Proper daily oral hygiene habits–brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes and flossing once a day–are important for sustaining your mouth health and overall health. Bacteria left in the mouth can sometimes do damage to the rest of the body.
The foods you eat also have a great impact on your oral and overall health. Making poor dietary choices can cause cavities, as well as affect such conditions as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, obesity and cancer. Avoid sugary and acidic foods, and accompany all snacks with a large glass of water.
Though it can be difficult to fit it in to busy schedules, it is important to visit the dentist at least twice a year for dental cleanings and oral exams. These visits help identify any problems early, while they are still fairly simple and economical to repair.
During the visit, a few things can happen. We remove any hardened plaque present on the teeth and gums, to prevent tooth decay and the beginnings of gum disease (also called gingivitis). Advanced gum disease could require extensive care, so it is best to come in early. We also check for signs of cavities, gum disease in any stage, oral cancer and any other oral health issues that may be present. Additionally, it is common to remove stains on the teeth, which can be caused by coffee, grape juice, red wine, tea, other highly pigmented foods and drinks or tobacco.
To schedule an appointment in Grove City, Ohio, call Ohio Urgent Dental Care at 614-875-7070. Drs. Huber, Pelkey and Shumway look forward to seeing you!